Saturday 6 July 2013

How to store green chilli |How to preserve green chillies for long time in fridge

I normally purchase abundance of  green chillies when i do my monthly grocery shopping as i use them quite a lot in my recipes like chutney /dal or curries .

Large quantities of chili (fresh and green) can be preserved for later use in a simple way




green chillies -250 grams

1.Spread green chillies on  a newspaper this is done to ensure that any trace of water or moisture will be absorbed by the paper

2.Next remove stem of  all  green chilli with your hands.

3  after you pluck the stems and put them  in a tupperware or air tight place a tissue paper on the top & close lid of the  tupperware or air tight container.

4  Store in refrigerator .it remains fresh for 3-4 weeks.

Return the  chili container  into fridge immediately after use. If left lying around, the chili may become soggy
Any chilli which is browned or spoilt should be thrown immediately from box or it will spoil remaining ones

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