Wednesday 3 July 2013

Eggless Carrot Cake Recipe | Eggless Carrot walnut pressure cooker cake


Carrot Cake never goes out of style and one bite will tell you why. This rich and moist spice cake, full of grated carrot and toasted nuts, has great flavor. The interesting part is that while those pretty orange flecks of grated carrot give the Carrot Cake color
and texture, along with sweetness and moisture, its' flavor is almost indistinguishable

Perfect for birthdays or any day, this is a great cake with lots of decadent taste .rich in vitamin a carrot cake is healthy too .

I made this cake in pressure cooker for those people who dont own microwave yet crave to make bakery style cakes and the results were equally satisfying .Please remove cooker ring and whistle while making the cake or else your cooker can get damaged,.use an old cooker for making this cake.

Cooking was never my cup of tea-But neccesity is the mother of invention and now that I have developed a liking for baking & have been trying eggless cakes using pressure cooker

.Do try this & Enjoy !!

    Maida - 1/2 cup
    Wheat flour - 1/2 cup
    Grated carrot - 3/4 cup heaped
    Curd - 3/4 cups (200 ml)
    cooking oil - 1/4 cup
    Milk - 2.5 tbsp
    Sugar -3/4 cup
    Vanilla essence - 1/2 tsp
    Cinnamon powder - 1/4 tsp
    Baking powder - 1/2 tsp
    Baking Soda - 1/2 tsp
    Salt -1/4 tsp
    Walnuts, chopped- handful
    golden raisins - handful


1. Grease the cake tin with a little butter or oil.

 2. Preheat a pressure cooker as follows.Remove the whistle/regulator of cooker  you wont need it throughout the process. . Place a pressure cooker on flame and place a separator and close the cooker with its lid. Remove the whistle/regulator you wont need it throughout the process. (you can either close the cooker with the lid as you normally do or place the Lid upside down too)

3. Then place the cooker set up on high flame for 10 minutes. till the cooker is being preheated lets prepare batter.

4. Grate carrots finely and keep aside. Sieve maida with baking soda and baking powder, set aside. In a mixing bowl add curd, sugar, milk and olive oil. Mix well until sugar completely dissolves.

5.Then add cinnamon powder, vanilla essence and give a quick stir. Finally fold in maida then add grated carrots

6.Whisk it well to form a smooth creamy flowing batter. mix half walnuts in batter. at base of greased cake tin throw few chopped walnuts.

 7.Pour the batter into this greased 6 inch pan, do not pour up to the brim, stop when the pan is 3/4th full. (The batter we have prepared will be perfectly enough to fill 3/4th of the pan).sprinkle few walnuts on top of batter too.

8.•Now open the cooker and place the cake pan with batter carefully on
the separator plate and close the lid.(whistle or regulator is not needed )


9.Now switch the flame to low mode and cook for 30 to 40 minutes on
low flame. To Check  if your cake has got cooked insert a knife or toothpick in centre of cake if it comes out clean that means cake is done. my cake  took 36 minutes  to cook.

10•When the cake is ready,remove from flame and set aside. Do not open the lid immediately. Open after 10 minutes. •You will find that the cake has puffed up well and would have browned nice and evenly too.
11. Allow the cake to cool down for 10mins.•transfer the tin onto a wet cloth for easy unmoulding.Just tap the cake tin and the cake would come out easily. But in case if you find difficulty in tapping the cake out, just run a knife through the sides of the cake and tap it out.

12.Leave aside on a wire rack until it cools down. Then cut into pieces
and serve plain or with vanilla ice cream

Tips :
1.The cake will give a nice aroma when it is done. This is a basic
technique to find out if the cake is done or not.

2. cut cake  into slices only after  it has cooled down completely (leaving
atleast 3-4 hours) to get firm neat slices.

3. If cooking in oven ,Bake in preheated oven at 200 degree C for 10
mins, then reduce temperature to 180 deg C and bake it for 30-35 mins
or till a fork inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean.

4. After the batter is ready, don't allow the batter to sit for more than
the preheating time as cake can turn hard.

5.while inserting fork or toothpick try checking in the center if its
cooked completely or not.If  the center of the cake isnt cooked and is
slightly sticky, cover the top of the cake with butter paper and bake it
for 5 more mins,it will be perfect. The butter paper covering will avoid
more browning on top at the same time the centre will be cooked

6.Use exact measurements as given above .
7. You can even do an icing on the cake .
8.Please remove cooker ring and whistle while making the cake or else your
cooker can get damaged,.use an old cooker for making this cake.

9.Do not forget to line the pan or else the cake might stick to the pan.
10 You can use the same recipe to make carrot cupcakes/muffins and bake them for 15-20mins.

  11The cake keeps well at room temperature for 2 days then refrigerate it. While serving may be you can just warm it up in oven and then serve it.

12 dont skip walnuts in above recipe
 13 you can  add 1 cup maida fully to make the cake

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