Monday 24 June 2013

How to Grow Lucky Bamboo in your home|Lucky Bamboo plant Feng Shui and Care Tips



My cousin gifted me with a fengshui lucky bamboo plant during her last thought of blogging about this fengshui bamboo plant

As millions of "lucky" consumers around the world have discovered, Lucky Bamboo makes the perfect house or office plant.
Lucky Bamboo is one of the most popular feng shui cures. You can see feng shui lucky bamboo in most floral shops nowadays.

Have you ever wondered why garden supply stores carry such a large supply of Lucky Bamboo? The reason for its popularity is two-fold.

First, Lucky Bamboo is easy to grow and therefore a wise choice if you struggle with houseplants.

Second, Lucky Bamboo is a common décor item in Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese philosophy of aesthetics believed to bring health, wealth, and happiness with positive qi (energy flow) within your home.

What Is Lucky Bamboo?
Known as Lucky Bamboo for centuries, this tough resilient plant is actually Dracaena Sanderiana, a member of the lily family. A tropical plant, it is native to the rain forests of Cameroon, Africa, and Southeast Asia.


The Gift of a Lucky Bamboo Plant
According to ancient Oriental folklore, Lucky Bamboo plants have been given as gifts to friends and loved ones during times of celebration. A wedding, a birth, a birthday, a house-warming, a new business endeavor or just an expression of wishing someone Good Fortune are all perfect times to give gifts of Lucky Bamboo arrangements.
Lucky Bamboo plants have also gained international popularity because they are so easy to care for and have such a powerful significance in the art of Feng Shui.
Lucky Bamboo is one of the plants recommended by Feng Shui masters to improve the flow of Ch'i or life's positive energy in a room, house, or building. You can place Lucky Bamboo on the East side of your home, office, or recreation area as you face the door. Soon you will
So why is Feng Shui Lucky Bamboo considered lucky?
 Bamboo in itself is an amazing plant that brings a very peaceful and wise energy into your home. It teaches the ultimate wisdom: how to be flexible and hollow (open) on the inside, so that the spirit can freely flow and heal your being.
A little indoor bamboo plant is considered lucky in feng shui when it combines/represents all five feng shui elements, which are:
•Wood - the Bamboo itself
 •Earth - the Rocks the Bamboo grows in
 •Water - the Water the Bamboo grows with
 •Fire - most pots usually have a red ribbon tied to them
 •Metal - the glass pots belong to the feng shui Metal element. If the Feng Shui Lucky Bamboo is planted in a pot other than glass, such as clay or ceramics, it will usually have either a metal coin, or a metal figurine with it.
The Meaning of the Number of Stalks
Usually you will buy (or make) this feng shui cure with a specific number of bamboo stalks, most popular ones being:
 • 3 for Happiness
• 5 for Health
• 2 for Love & Marriage
• 8 for Wealth and Abundance
 • 9 for Good Fortune.
PLS NOTE :probably you will not see a bamboo plant with 4 stalks because the word 4 in Chinese sounds very similar to the Chinese word for death.

Care  and maintainence tips for Bamboo plant
The popularity of Lucky Bamboo has continued to grow over the past several decades, making it one of the most popular house plants of the time.These easy-to-grow plants require very little care and generally are grown using hydroponics methods.

 How To care for Lucky Bamboo
  • To start, you'll need a plant. Any size plant will do to start, but make sure it smells fresh, as a bad odor indicates poor health.
  • Next, find a pot that is about 2 inches bigger in diameter than the plant. You can use a sealed pot and grow it in pure water, or you can plant it in soil in a pot with a drain hole.
  • If you are growing it in standing water, you will need some pebbles to hold it upright. If in soil, try mixing 1/3rd each of sand, peat moss, and regular soil to ensure excellent drainage.
  •  If you are growing it in standing water, it is best to keep the water level one inch above the top of the supporting pebbles. But you will need to change the water at least once per week to prevent the plant from rotting. It is a good idea to rinse the vase, pebbles, and plant each time you do this.
  •  If you are growing the plant in soil, let the soil get damp (as opposed to wet or dry) between watering. Then water the plant heavily so that the soil is fully saturated.
  • you will need to place it in a location with indirect light
  • Keep water fresh by changing it every week, and always keep water levels at approximately an inch from the base of the canes.
  • Lucky Bamboo prefers plenty of indirect sunlight and room temperatures at 65-70o.
  • Although opinions differ on feeding, your Lucky Bamboo is a living organism, Add a very light fertilizer periodically. Too much fertilizer is worse than none at all, so use it sparingly. This is especially true of potted plants because the fertilizer will not become diluted by rain and can not run off like it will for plants in the ground.Since growth can be controlled by feeding, small amounts of fertilizer will keep the plant at a manageable size.
  • Also, it is best to let tap water stand in a separate container for 24 hours before using it for the bamboo plant. This is because the chlorine and fluoride in the water needs to dissipate. Too much of these chemicals can cause yellowing or browning of the bamboo leaves.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this useful information.
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