Tuesday 18 June 2013

Guava juice recipe | homemade fresh guava sherbat| peru cha sarbat

Guava juice is also Known as Peru ka juice
I love gauva but husband doesnt .I had this guava sherbat regularly as my mom used to make it .The  guava juice is very tasty and refreshing especially in hot weather.

I used green guava for this sherbat but you can make it with red /pink guava too

Guava juice is a nutrition powerhouse with naturally occurring vitamins and minerals and many antioxidants


Nutritional value

Guavas are rich in dietary fiber, vitamins A and C, folic acid, and the dietary minerals, potassium, copper and manganese. Having a generally broad, low-calorie profile of essential nutrients, a single common guava (P. guajava) fruit contains about four times the amount of vitamin C as an orange

Health Benefits of guava juice
• Start Your Day with a Boost of Antioxidants. It's an excellent source of essential antioxidants (vitamin C) and to help protect against free radicals to promote healthy cells and tissues.
• Guava Juice gives you essential nutrients needed to help maintain your body's first line of defense - a healthy immune system.
• It's naturally fat free, cholesterol free and sodium free.
• Get your kids' day off to a great start with the natural taste and nutrition of Guava Juice. It has essential vitamins and minerals to support their growing bodies.
• Flavonoids and carotenoids, phytonutrients are plant-derived components that are naturally occurring in guava juice. Phytonutrients are rapidly gaining support as research uncovers more of their health promoting benefits.
• Guava juice sweetened with honey, is safe and highly beneficial for Cardiac Patients.
• Guava Juice is considered as an excellent food for infants who are not fed on breast milk. It prevents scurvy, rickets and helps growth.

Culinary Uses
• Guava juice is a quick and healthy beverage.
• Use fruit juice as the base for fat-free salad dressing and marinades.
• Guavas and guava juice are often used in sauces and glazes.
• They can be added to everything from appetizers to desserts, marmalade etc.
• Guava juice is one of the important ingredients (and the most important fruit juice) to have when making cocktails.
• Guava blossom is a mouth watering beverage.
• Apart from sweet dishes, guava juice works well in savoury dishes.

1 cup Red Guava/green guava (peru)
2 -3 tsp Sugar
1/2 cup cold water
1 tsp jeera (cumin seeds)
1 tsp red chilli powder
Ice Cubes
1/2 inch Ginger (optional)


1.Wash Guava  and chop into pieces .

2.Simply add little sugar,ginger(optional) and cold water and blend it in juicer or blender.

3.Strain the seeds with a strainer

4.Add ice cubes  and serve chilled

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