Sunday 16 June 2013

Eggless Chocolate Pudding Recipe| Easy chocolate custard recipe

Chocolate pudding is a recipe that satisfies a sweet tooth without any fuss. This wonderful pudding can be served plain or topped with chocolate shavings ,choco chips, nuts or whipped cream for a more elaborate finish.

There is nothing more satisfying than a really good homemade Chocolate Pudding, one with a velvety smooth texture and deep chocolate flavor

This delightful pudding is always a treat and easy to whip up using common pantry ingredients
Chocolate pudding is a class of dessert with chocolate flavors.This chocolate pudding is a "double" chocolate pudding, as it gets its deep chocolate flavor from both  cocoa powder  and  chocolate chips

 There are two main types: a boiled then chilled, texturally a custard set with starch, version commonly eaten in the U.S., Canada, Sweden, and East and South East Asia; and a steamed/baked, texturally similar to cake, version that is popular in the UK, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand.

500 ml(2 cups) Milk at room temperature (full cream or normal)
1/2 cup Sugar
1/4 cup(heaped) Cocoa powder
1/4 cup Custard powder/Corn flour
1-2 tbsp Chocolate chips(optional) /melted chocolate
1 tsp Vanilla extract
Cocoa powder for dusting

chocolate chips/dry fruits /choco shavings/strawberry slices


 1.In a  bowl mix in the cocoa powder and custard powder/corn flour well Next add 1/2 cup of milk and mix it with cocoa powder & custard powder/corn flour till  no lumps are formed.
2.Heat remaining  milk in a thick sauce pan over medium flame and add sugar to it and mix well.
3. After 5 minutes add the cocoa-custard powder mixture and mix well and boil for 5-6 mins until the mixture coats the back of the spoon.Stir continuously to avoid lumps even if it forms break it immediately.  be  careful as pudding gets thick very fast

4Add Chocolate chips and mix well.keep on whisking pudding with a whisk .allow it to boil  till the pudding thickens and gets glossy.Switch off gas once pudding coats the back of the spoon easily
5.Add vanilla essence and mix well .
6.Take 3 serving cups/moulds/bowls. Pour water in cups/moulds/bowls  & then throw out  water. This will wet the insides of the cups and prevent the pudding from sticking to the inside
7. Cover it with cling wrap and refrigerate it for 3-4 hrs or overnight.
8.Sprinkle cocoa powder or decorate with chocolate shavings or sliced strawberry or dry fruits or pomegranate kernels

9.Serve chilled.


1Make sure the milk is at room temperature. If  using cold milk, place it in a saucepan and heat on low, till it reaches room temperature. Dip your finger into the milk, it should not be too hot or too cold.

2. adding chocolate chips  is entirely optional but gives a nice chocolatey flavour to the pudding.
3. The critical step  with any pudding is cooking it over too high  heat causing lumps or  scorching. To avoid this use a heavy bottomed saucepan and cook it over medium low heat, stirring constantly with a large sure to stirr the bottom, sides and corners of the saucepan to prevent the pudding from sticking and scorching.

4 Instead of choco chips you can use chocolate melted  by using double boiler method

5.Refrigerate pudding without covering if you like layer of pudding skin(film).If you dont like pudding skin wrap the pudding mould/bowl/cups with a plastic wrap and then refrigerate.

6.You can even boil agar agar in the same water (in which it is soaked for half hour )until the strands are melted and the water is clear and starts forming a jelly like texture and add agar agar mixture to the boiling chocolate pudding mixture after step 4 and mix well and boil for a minute

7. If you do not have choco chips you can buy a dairy milk chocolate & grate it on grater & use grated chocolate for garnish


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