Friday 7 June 2013

Lemongrass |Gavati Chaha | paticha chaha| lemongrass recipes

 Need something to calm and soothe your soul? Try making a ginger lemongrass tea, a herbal tea famously served in tropical spa before and after treatment. The aroma of both ginger and lemongrass is truly rejuvenating and relaxing

Few reasons to drink this wonderful herbal tea.From its calming effects to its positive digestive benefits to its acne prevention and its natural cold and cough reliever, this is an herbal tea that all can benefit from

 A healthy way to start  your day. I Had been drinking this tea since childhood .Got a big bunch of lemon grass aka paticha chaha or gavti chaha in marathi from total mall last week & made this one which is a regular recipe in my kitchen since then.

Lemongrass grows wild in Southeast Asia and Africa. The native people of these countries have been using it for its medicinal purposes since ancient times. Due to its health benefits, this plant has become very popular in the western hemisphere in modern days

Lemongrass is a stalky plant with a lemony scent that grows in many tropical climates, most notably in Southeast-Asia

Lemon grass is also known as Gavati Chaha (गवती चहा) in the Marathi language (Gavat=grass; Chaha=tea), and is used as an addition to tea, and in preparations like 'kadha,' which is a traditional herbal 'soup' used against coughs, colds, etc.

It has medicinal properties and is used extensively in Ayurvedic medicine. It is supposed to help with relieving cough and nasal congestion. In Kerala, lemon grass is steeped as an herbal tea called "Chukku Kaapi", literally "dried ginger coffee"

Cymbopogon (lemongrass) is a genus of about 55 species of grasses, (of which the type species is Cymbopogon citratus [a natural and soft tea Anxiolytic]) native to warm temperate and tropical regions of the Old World and Oceania.

It is a tall perennial grass. Common names include lemon grass, lemongrass, barbed wire grass, silky heads, citronella grass,cha de Dartigalongue, fever grass, tanglad, hierba Luisa or gavati chaha amongst many others.Citronella grass (Cymbopogon nardus and Cymbopogon winterianus) grows to about 2 meters (about 6.5 feet) and has red base stems. These species are used for the production of citronella oil, which is used in soaps, as an insect repellent (especially mosquitos) in insect sprays and candles, and also in aromatherapy, which is famous in Bintan Island, Indonesia.

Lemongrass is native to India and tropical Asia. It is widely used as a herb in Asian cuisine. It has a subtle citrus flavor and can be dried and powdered, or used fresh. Lemongrass is commonly used in teas, soups, and curries. It is also suitable for poultry, fish, beef, and seafood. It is often used as a tea ,pesticide & insect repellant.

Lemon Grass Oil, used as a pesticide and preservative, is put on the ancient palm-leaf manuscripts found in India as a preservative.Despite its ability to repel insects, its oil is commonly utilized as a "lure" to attract honey bees
 One good news you can grow lemongrasss in your home too pls check this post for how to grow lemongrass in your balcony ?

A common ingredient in Thai cooking, lemongrass provides a zesty lemon flavor and aroma to many Thai dishes. Lemon juice (or lime) may be substituted for lemongrass in a pinch, but citrus fruits will not be able to fully replicate its particular qualities.


  1. Lemongrass is used for treating digestive tract spasms, stomachache, high blood pressure, convulsions, pain, vomiting, cough, achy joints (rheumatism), fever, the common cold, and exhaustion. It is also used to kill germs and as a mild astringent.
  2.  Some people apply lemongrass and its essential oil directly to the skin for headache, stomachache, abdominal pain, and muscle pain.
  3.  By inhalation, the essential oil of lemongrass is used as aromatherapy for muscle pain.
  4.  In food and beverages, lemongrass is used as a flavoring. For example, lemongrass leaves are commonly used as “lemon” flavoring in herbal teas.
  5.  In manufacturing, lemongrass is used as a fragrance in soaps and cosmetics. Lemongrass is also used in making vitamin A and natural citral.
  6.  If suffering from insomnia, a cup before bedtime causes relaxation and promotes a restful night of sleep.
  7. . Drinking a cup after a large meal will take away that full feeling and will aid in digesting the food just consumed along with helping to remove unhealthy food additives, chemicals and excess fats.
  8. It also aids in the relief of constipation, keeping the bowels working properly and removing toxins to keep the body healthy and energetic. Acting as a natural diuretic it is known to keep the kidneys and bladder working properly. Its powerful antioxidant benefits help to keep the liver and pancreas healthy and it is also known to help keep cholesterol levels normal.
  9. People of ancient times knew the benefits of Lemongrass when suffering with coughs and colds. Drinking this tea helps relieve those symptoms as well without having to use store bought products that can sometimes have side-effects.
  10. This tea is also a natural anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. If drank regularly, studies have shown that it helps prevent the outbreak of acne and keeps the skin healthy due to its anti-bacterial effects. It can also relieve aches and pains and helps to reduce fever
  11. If suffering from anxiety or nervousness Lemongrass tea can help reduce these symptoms

How does it work?
Lemongrass might help prevent the growth of some bacteria and yeast. Lemongrass also contains substances that are thought to relieve pain, reduce fever, stimulate the uterus and menstrual flow, and have antioxidant properties.

If you are a lemon grass fan like me then you can check Few lemongrass recipes

Red thai curry with chicken and mushrooms

 Thai Green Curry Paste

Yellow thai curry | Yellow Vegetable Thai curry

Herbal green tea recipe

Lemongrass tea

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